Course Enrollment


The following courses are available for enrollment.  You may click on the "ENROLL" button, or call to enroll over the phone.

Private Pilot Ground School


DAYS:  Tu, Th

START:  6:00pm

END:  8:30pm

LOCATION:  10800 Middle Ave, Hngr A, Elyria, OH 44035

DATES:  9/8/2015 - 10/29/15

Instrument Rating Ground School


DAYS:  Mo, We

START:  6:00pm

END:  8:30pm

LOCATION:  10800 Middle Ave, Hngr A, Elyria, OH 44035

DATES:  9/7/2015 - 10/28/15


10800 Middle Ave., Hangar A

Elyria, OH 44035-7890

Phone: 440-683-6258

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